Town of Fountain City

Meter Pits

Alert from Town of Fountain City: Meter Pits Date: Mar 07, 2024 Residents are not permitted to access their meter pits. In addition, it is against the law to access your pit for the purpose of tuning water on that…

Closing Early

Alert from Town of Fountain City: Closing Early Date: Feb 26, 2024 The clerk’s office will be closing at 2 pm today, February 26th. Sorry for any inconvenience.


Alert from Town of Fountain City: Monday Date: Feb 04, 2024 Due to my mom’s surgery Monday, I will be in and out of the office. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. I’ll be in before 10 a.m.…

Office Closing Early

Alert from Town of Fountain City: Office Closing Early Date: Feb 01, 2024 The clerk’s office will not be closing for lunch but will be closing a 3 pm today 2 Sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you.

Fountain City Leaf Pick-Up

News from Town of Fountain City: Leaf Pick-Up Date: Oct 17, 2023 The leaf pick-up will be on an as needed basis thru November 20th. Please make sure leaves are raked to the curb and are free from any debris.…

Clerk’s Office Hours

Alert from Town of Fountain City: Clerk’s Office Hours Date: Sep 30, 2023 Due to my mom having knee replacement surgery Monday, my office hours may be a little different than normal. I will be there as much as possible…

Clerk’s Office Closed

Alert from Town of Fountain City: Closed Date: Sep 11, 2023 I apologize but the clerk’s office will be closed due to illness. I will try to open this afternoon. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Hydrant Flushing

News from Town of Fountain City: Hydrant Flushing Date: Aug 15, 2023 Attention Residents:  Hydrant flushing will beging August 23rd. From there, flushing will occur every Wednesday throught the end of September. You can expect some sediment and water discoloration…